Manon Ragonnet-Cronin

About Me

I am a postdoctoral researcher working with Prof. Andrew Leigh Brown at the University of Edinburgh.

After growing up in France, I graduated from the University of Manchester with a degree in Genetics. During my undergraduate, I was lucky to spend a year working for the Medical Research Council in the Gambia. I then moved to Ottawa, where I worked at the National HIV and Retrovirology Laboratories at the Public Health Agency of Canada. I obtained an MSc from the University of Ottawa, working with Dr. Aris-Brosou and a PhD with Prof. Leigh Brown.

My interest in HIV stems from both the challenge presented by its formidable adaptive capacity and from the virus’ relation to development issues. My long-term aim is the application of phylogenetics as a public health tool in sub-Saharan Africa to prevent the spread of HIV.

Research Interests

I use HIV sequences to reconstruct the transmission dynamics of the UK epidemic. Specifically, I am working on the identification of closely related infections within the UK: HIV clusters. These reflect the recent dynamics of the epidemic and are most relevant to prevention programs. I am trying to build HIV transmission networks from those clusters. The sequences I work on all come from the UK HIV Resistance database.

In Canada I worked on sequences obtained through the Canadian HIV Strain and Resistance Surveillance Program.


For an updated list of my papers please check Google Scholar.

Contact Information

Institute of Evolutionary Biology,
Room 65, Ashworth Laboratories,
West Mains Road,
University of Edinburgh,
Edinburgh EH9 3JT, UK.



Tel: +44-131-650-5476

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